B.S. Animal Science, college of Biology, Princess Nora University, Saudi Arabia, Riyadh - 2004
M.S., Cell and Molecular Biology, Biological Department, University of Arkansas - 2013
Master Thesis: " Genetic Analysis of the Serotonin Receptor 5HT2B and its Contribution to the Development of Pulmonary Hypertension Syndrome in Broiler- Type Chicken"
Current PhD Candidate, Cell and Molecular Biology Program, Biological Department, University of Arkansas (2013- Present)
Research Skills :
Research Interest:
Bioinformatics and genomics
Population genetics
Cancer research
Stem cell therapy
Human evolution, adaption and history
Infectious diseases
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Real Time RT-PCR
Gel Electrophoresis.
TaqMan techniques
Primers/ Probes design
DNA/RNA isolation
DNA/RNA quantification and purification
cDNA synthesis
Gene and allele- specific expression analysis​
DNA sequence analysis
My name is Khaloud Alzahrani, I am from Saudi Arabia and currently I am a PhD candidate in the cell and molecular biology program at the University of Arkansas. My interests lie in molecular biology and its various applications in the molecular genetics field. In August, 2011, I joined Dr. Rhoads laboratory to do my Masters program. My research focused on examining the associations of the 5HT2B gene's polymorphisms with pulmonary hypertension syndrome (PHS) in chicken using various methods such as: PCR, qPCR, TaqMan genotyping, and sequencing. Two years later, I begun my PhD program in Dr. Rhoads lab to further pursue my research work on 5HT2B gene. I was excited about my project, very happy in my lab, and knew I wanted to continue with my research. Currently I am investigating the allele specific 5HT2B gene expression differences using SNP9093 as the marker SNP for association with PHS. For the future, I would love to pursue any career that will allow me to continue researching in the molecular genetics field. Outside the lab, I enjoy spending time with my family and experimenting in the kitchen.